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2024 Competition Winners

Our 2024 monthly themes competition winners. Click to see larger images.

Full details of the monthly meetings can be found in the relevant newsletter.

August 2024: Reflections - Joint Third
August 2024: Reflections - Joint ThirdGill Marsh
August 2024: Reflections - Joint Third
August 2024: Reflections - Joint ThirdKirsty Andrews
August 2024: Reflections - Joint Third
August 2024: Reflections - Joint ThirdGill Marsh
August 2024: Reflections - Joint Third
August 2024: Reflections - Joint ThirdMike Harding
July 2024: Splash In Behaviour - Winner
July 2024: Splash In Behaviour - WinnerGuilhem Duprat
July 2024: Splash In Behaviour - Second
July 2024: Splash In Behaviour - SecondRick Ayrton
July 2024: Splash In Behaviour - Second
July 2024: Splash In Behaviour - SecondRob Bailey
July 2024: Splash In Wide Angle - Winner
July 2024: Splash In Wide Angle - WinnerRob Bailey
July 2024: Splash In Wide Angle - Second
July 2024: Splash In Wide Angle - SecondGuilhem Duprat
July 2024: Splash In Wide Angle - Third
July 2024: Splash In Wide Angle - ThirdKirsty Andrews
July 2024: Splash In Wide Angle - Commended
July 2024: Splash In Wide Angle - CommendedRick Ayrton
July 2024: Splash In Wide Angle - Commended
July 2024: Splash In Wide Angle - CommendedDan Bolt
July 2024: Splash In Macro - Winner
July 2024: Splash In Macro - WinnerRick Ayrton
July 2024: Splash In Macro - Second
July 2024: Splash In Macro - SecondGuilhem Duprat
July 2024: Splash In Macro - Third
July 2024: Splash In Macro - ThirdRob Bailey
July 2024: Splash In Macro - Commended
July 2024: Splash In Macro - CommendedSimon Yates
July 2024: Ambient Light - Joint Winner
July 2024: Ambient Light - Joint WinnerGuilhem Duprat
July 2024: Ambient Light - Joint Winner
July 2024: Ambient Light - Joint WinnerGill Marsh
July 2024: Ambient Light - Joint Winner
July 2024: Ambient Light - Joint WinnerDan Bolt
June 2024: Eyes - Winner
June 2024: Eyes - WinnerRob Bailey