Monthly Competition - Slow shutter speed / Demonstration and talk about Backscatter XTerminator photoshop plugin
Monthly Competition - Snell's Window / Image of the year 2023 as judged by Alex Mustard / Very interesting and well illustrated talk by Chris & Cathy "Inshore Dragonets of the British Isles"
Monthly Competition - Best Of British / Talk from Phil Medcalf of Alphamrine
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Monthly Competition - Shallow and Surface Water / Annual Print Compeition / Christmas Mince Pies and Pub
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Monthly Competition - Black and White / Presentation by Rick Ayrton - The Battle of May Island
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Monthly Competition Nov - Creative in Camera / Beginner's Portfolio
Monthly Competition Dec - Abstract - Print Competition (Cancelled) - Christmas Social
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Monthly Competition - Abstract / Presentation by Henley Spiers on Black and White Photography.
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Monthly Competition - Anything Goes / Annual Print Competition - Christmas Social
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- There is no time limit on images entered - shot date to be supplied for statistical purposes. A maximum of two entries per person.
- Images should be submitted in JPEG format at a maximum size of 1400 pixels wide or 1050 pixels high, at a resolution of 72ppi. Apply medium compression to give a file size of less than 500kb.
- The digital image files are to be sent by 1800hrs on the Sunday before the Tuesday Meeting, unless notified otherwise by the Competitions Member.
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Whenever any of the competitions include separate categories for 'Beginner' or 'Advanced', the following will apply:
Beginners' Category– is open to members, provided that they have not come first, second or third in a national or international competition, such as BSoUP Portfolio Competitions, Image, U/W Photographer of the Year, Wildlife Photographer of the Year, Marine Conservation Society etc. Anyone winning more than one BUPG
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- All entries must have been taken underwater. Swimming pool and aquarium shots are not eligible, unless specifically allowed for a special competition.
- The entrant must be the photographer.
- Images entered must not have come first, second or third in a national or international competition, such as BSoUP Portfolio Competitions or the BSoUP or St Abbs Splash-Ins, Image, U/W Photographer of the Year, Wildlife Photographer of the Year, Marine
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